development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC)

In Coalition Members by Anny Lin

development Research and Projects Center

To catalyze, support and evaluate the impact of development interventions targeting the vulnerable, underserved and excluded (women, girl and youth) as catalytic third sector organization bringing together development stakeholders working for sustainable social and economic development

The development Research and Projects Center (dRPC) development Research and Projects Centre is a non-governmental and non-political intermediary social enterprise committed to building capacity and social capital for inclusive development. The dRPC was founded by two development experts with the aim of building social capital for transformation and inclusive development through the implementation of programs which strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to deliver services to the poor and to advocate for improved accountability and services from duty bearers at all levels. The dRPC works in the areas of health, education, sustainable livelihood.

The dRPC has over 30 years programming in education with specific emphasis on girls education. The centre collaborated with National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru to build the education administrators from Northern Nigeria on gender mainstreaming and flexible planning to accommodate emerging issues in developing educational plans   The centre also collaborated with the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) to review the Civic Education to incorporate contents on human rights and citizenship. It also collaborated with the same NERDC to review the Trade Subjects Curriculum to incorporate entrepreneurship content. 

To learn more about our work, please visit our website at www.drpcngr.org

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