GCE-US is guided by the right of all children to access to a quality education. To work toward that goal, GCE-US - in conjunction with our 50+ coalition members - create advocacy and policy strategies to influence and educate policy makers and the US public, provide and support opportunities for youth to act on behalf of education for all, and increase public support for universal inclusive quality education.

Coalition Work
We convene regular coalition meetings, host an Advocacy Committee and Youth Engagement Committee, send out monthly newsletters, highlight and feature members’ education initiatives, and maintain the Global Campaign for Education-US coalition to advocate for universal inclusive quality education for all. The coalition provides a space for organizations and advocates to share best practices and program initiatives with other coalition members and to partner with others working on similar issues. The GCE-US coalition connects the education community and builds a stronger collective voice in favor of universal access to free, quality, public education for all children and youth. GCE-US coalition members work collectively for a common set of policy goals and advocacy strategies - amplifying the efforts of the education community to advance #Education4All goals.
Global Action Week for Education (GAWE)
Each year, GCE-US joins with other countries in the GCE global network to highlight the great initiatives in advocacy and action that are taking place locally, nationally and around the world for a dedicated week in April. Past GAWE events have focused on girls’ education, early childhood education and the importance of teachers. GAWE is not just confined to one week a year, though. Find ways you can take action year-round and in April.
Global Education Advocacy
We work with the U.S. government, including USAID, Congress, and key global policymakers to advocate for universal inclusive quality education for all, including international organizations, like the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait. Grassroots advocacy is a big part of this process. To find ways to get involved, check out our Take Action pages, like Act with GCE-US.
Youth Engagement
We work with coalition partners to continue to advocate for youth inclusion in policy making and advocacy. We provide opportunities for youth from around the world to learn about topics related to our mission, like global education, community engagement, leadership, and advocacy techniques. Want to learn more? Check out our Youth Advocacy Engagement page!