GCE-US Applauds the Release of Together for Girls’ New Strategy for 2024-2030
July 1, 2024
Washington, D.C. - On June 26th, the Global Campaign for Education - U.S.'s partner, Together for Girls, released a strategy titled, "Together for Girls Strategy 2024-2030," which aims to achieve "a world where every child and adolescent is safe, protected, and thriving." Please find a summary of the strategic objectives here.
Together for Girls is a global partnership that aims to end violence against children and adolescents specifically attention to sexual violence. According to the World Health Organization, violence against children can impact opportunities and future generations as “children exposed to violence and other adversities are more likely to drop out of school and have difficulty finding and keeping a job.” Together for Girls utilizes data and advocacy to work towards ending violence against children and adolescents.
The 2024-2030 Strategy utilizes four interconnected initiatives:
- Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) Data to Action: to understand the problem and mobilize governments for action, data extracted from VACS will provide insight into country and context-specific challenges of violence against children.
- Safe Futures Hub: sharing solutions that work to show the way forward and create space for data from VACS and other data to develop the best solutions and tools to solve violence against children.
- Out of the Shadows Index: Tracking countries’ progress on the issue employing the two previous initiatives the Out of the Shadows Index will measure how well countries are addressing sexual violence against children through measurable and comparative analysis.
- Brave Movement: Ending the silence and building political pressure to act through the collaboration and advocacy of survivors the Brave Movement will demand action from leaders and decision-makers at the local, regional, and national levels.
“Sexual violence against children has continued for far too long, and it is time to put an end to it. Our joint efforts aim to provide survivors a platform for their voices to be heard, for them to feel empowered and also to shape policies and laws that safeguard children.” - Dr. Daniela Ligiero, CEO of Together for Girls and co-founder of the Brave Movement.
If you are interested in joining Together for Girl’s mission and supporting their 2024-2030 Strategy, sign up here to join the Brave Movement.
Together for Girls is a proud coalition member of GCE-US and collaborated with us to host a coalition meeting that discussed safe schools and preventing school-related gender-based violence on November 30, 2023. Please find a link to the discussion here.
The Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US) is a broad-based coalition of national and community-based organizations, international organizations, teacher unions, faith-based groups, and advocates dedicated to ensuring quality, inclusive, universal education for all children and youth.