Global Citizen

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Global Citizen


Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. On their platform, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards for their actions — as part of a global community committed to lasting change.

With every action that Global Citizens take, they earn points that can be redeem for Rewards, such as attending a Global Citizen Festival, or seeing other music performances, sporting events, and more.

Since 2011, millions of Global Citizens around the world have taken over 24 million actions targeting world leaders to end extreme poverty by 2030. To date, the actions by the global community, along with high level advocacy efforts and with partners, have resulted in commitments and policy announcements from leaders, valued at over $48 billion that have impacted more than 880 million people by 2030.

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