Learn more about how we Rise Up together.
Let Girls Lead is building a global movement that empowers girls ages 10-24 to attend school, stay healthy, overcome violence and stand up against child marriage. Let Girls Lead’s model of advocacy, grant-making and network building has contributed to better health, education, livelihoods and rights for more than seven million girls in Malawi, Ethiopia, Liberia, Uganda, Guatemala and Honduras.
Champions for Change works to save the lives of women, newborns, children and youth by investing in visionary local leaders and organizations in sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria and Kenya. Champions for Change improves reproductive, maternal and child health and combats non-communicable diseases through advocacy, grant-making, leadership development and organizational strengthening.
Youth Champions are leading the sexual and reproductive health and rights movement. We invest in innovative young leaders 18-30 through a model that integrates capacity building, leadership development, innovation and grant-making. With our support, these Youth Champions are Advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in Ethiopia, India, Pakistan and the United States.