
In Coalition Members by



EYElliance was founded in 2015 and is exclusively focused on driving global and national scale strategies to accelerate equitable access to eyeglasses for the one billion people who need them.

The WHO estimates that globally nearly 1 billion individuals are visually impaired due to a lack of access to eyeglasses. Without glasses, children with poor vision are at a major disadvantage in school and unable to benefit from other interventions designed to improve educational outcomes.  Not only has school-based provision of eyeglasses been proven to have a positive impact on test scores & learning outcomes, a 2019 World Bank report concluded that the cost of school eye health programs are relatively low and should be affordable for many governments –and therefore a priority for achieving inclusive education. EYElliance was founded in 2015 and is exclusively focused on driving global and national scale strategies to accelerate equitable access to eyeglasses for the one billion people who need them.  EYElliance is driven by the solvability of this problem. Recognizing that solutions already exist, they focus on engaging the ecosystem to deploy proven solutions at scale. EYElliance advances four mutually-reinforcing strategies to bring eyeglasses and their benefits to children and adults where they live and learn.

Please go to www.eyelliance.org for more information!

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