She’s the First

In Coalition Members by Coalition

She’s the First


She’s the First fights for a world where every girl chooses her own future. This global nonprofit teams up with grassroots organizations to make sure girls everywhere are educated, respected, and heard.


We believe in using a rights-based approach to empower and educate girls globally. After more than a decade of building trust with communities, She’s the First excels in building coalitions for girls’ power and advancing girl-led advocacy. We know that grassroots, girl-focused community-based organizations (CBOs) are best positioned to create sustainable change for girls. We also recognize that by sharing our power, we create more equitable spaces. That’s why our Coalition-Building Programs are designed with partners and girls, brainstorming together on how we can collectively contribute to girls’ power. We ground our work in understanding the dynamics of oppression, power, and privilege, as well as the ways they intersect, for girls and CBOs around the world.



She’s the First builds coalitions to positively impact girls’ agency, access and equity in community-based organizations by providing:

  • Training in feminist mentorship, strong sexual and reproductive health and rights education, and girl-centered programs
  • Flexible funding for members of our STF Partner Coalition
  • A global network for practitioners
  • Tools, curricula, and resources for organizations to strengthen their girl-centered programming

We believe in the power girls have to advocate for themselves. Their ideas matter, and they are more than ready to lead. Our Girl-Led Advocacy Programs create spaces and tools for girls and their allies to advocate for their rights within their families, schools, and communities. Whether they’re planning to approach a teacher, a friend, or their local government, girls will leave these programs better equipped to promote their needs. 

Our efforts have reached more than 225,000 girls, 285 organizations, and 450+ practitioners. She's the First is a member of Michelle Obama’s Girls Opportunity Alliance and has been featured by numerous media outlets, including TODAY, MSNBC, Forbes, Fast Company, Glamour, Teen Vogue, The Drew Barrymore Show, and Marie Claire. Diane von Furstenberg has recognized STF with a DVF Award, and Chelsea Clinton honored them at Clinton Global Initiative U. 

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