USAID Announces $18 Million Contribution to Education Cannot Wait

In Action Alert, Action and Advocacy, Education In Emergencies, Global Education Financing, News by WorldEducation

USAID Announces $18 Million Contribution to Education Cannot Wait

Washington, D.C., April 14, 2022 — As a coalition committed to ensuring that all children and adolescents affected by crisis and conflict achieve an education, the Global Campaign for Education-US applauds USAID for its April 13, 2022 announcement of $18 million in funding to Education Cannot Wait (ECW).

This funding will support ECW’s global education work in conflict-affected communities and will have a tremendous impact on the lives of the 128 million children and adolescents in crisis situations. Education is an absolute necessity and a human right that must be guaranteed, especially in times of conflict. In the midst of destruction, violence, and instability, school is a place of learning and opportunity, a sanctuary for healing and health, and a haven of normalcy and hope for the future.

Announced during ECW’s scoping visit to Moldova to support the crisis in Ukraine, USAID’s additional $18 million contribution supports existing U.S. Government efforts to support education in conflict and crisis, including funding from the Department of State’s Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), bringing the total U.S. contribution to ECW to $95.3 million since 2017.

It is crucial to increase funding for inclusive education to prevent lost generations of learners and help young people reach their potential – especially in emergency settings and for girls, children and youth with disabilities, and all traditionally marginalized groups. GCE-US applauds the U.S. Government’s commitment to ECW, and the funding could not come at a better time, given the continued attacks on education unfolding in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and around the world,” said Jennifer Rigg, Executive Director, Global Campaign for Education-US.

Civil society organizations – including JRS/USA – have joined forces to voice our support for Education Cannot Wait as it works towards its goal of supporting quality education for the millions of children living in the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Only by bringing together international humanitarian and development aid actors, such as USAID, PRM, and ECW, can we continue to address the needs of students and young people affected by conflict and violence,” said Giulia McPherson, Director of Advocacy & Operations, at Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and Chair of the Education in Emergencies Working Group, Global Campaign for Education-US.

These funds will help accelerate ECW’s existing investments in education in emergencies, which have reached more than 4.6 million children and adolescents living in crisis settings in over 30 countries worldwide.

As a broad-based coalition representing practitioners and advocates working to address the gap in access to education in conflict and crisis settings, GCE-US looks forward to continuing to work with USAID and colleagues at the Department of State’s Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration to continue to advance this important work.

For more information, please contact: Giulia McPherson, Director of Advocacy & Operations, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and Chair, Education in Emergencies Working Group, Global Campaign for Education-US, at or 202-629-5942.