GCE-US Responds to Final FY24 Budget and Calls for Sustained Support in FY25

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GCE-US Responds to Final FY24 Budget and Calls for Sustained Support in FY25

April 24, 2024 | News | GCE-US

April 24, 2024

On March 22, 2024, Congress approved the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) State and Foreign Operations (SFOPs) bill. The bill funds the Basic Education account at $922 million, with $152 million for multilateral partnerships that support global education. This is $48 million below the FY23 enacted funding level of $970 million. Unfortunately, this comes shortly after the Biden Administration’s fiscal year 2025 budget request includes a reduction in the U.S. budget for basic education by approximately 33%.  If enacted, such a reduction would devastate current global programs meant to provide vulnerable young children with the necessary foundational life skills for economic success. Given the rising rates of learning poverty and multiple crisis situations around the world, we are greatly concerned about the United States cutting back on its long-standing leadership in global education. “Learning poverty” is defined as being equipped with the skills needed to read and understand a basic text or demonstrate basic mathematical proficiency by age 10. According to the World Bank, in 2023 over 70 percent of children in lower- and middle-income countries are experiencing learning poverty. If left unaddressed, this could result in severe long-term ramifications, including diminished economic opportunity and health outcomes for entire communities and at-risk populations.

The Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US) understands the political and economic constraints facing Congress. However, access to a quality education, supporting children to learn the basics of literacy and numeracy, is not only the right thing to do, it is a smart investment in our shared future. The estimated return on investment for education is $15 for every $1 spent. In supporting children when they are young, we reduce the need for further interventions or support and provide them with a pathway for young people to meet their full potential and contribute to the global economy.

For fiscal year 2025, GCE-US is requesting at least $1.125 billion for the Basic Education account, including at least $175 million for the Global Partnership for Education, and at least $50 million for Education Cannot Wait. These multilateral partnerships complement our bilateral efforts and leverage additional resources for this important work.

Ask your members of Congress to support basic education today by signing the Dear Colleague letter calling for robust funding for the Basic Education account in fiscal year 2025. 

Please find our Action Alert to encourage Congress to Invest in Global Education here: https://www.gce-us.org/tell-congress-invest-global-ed/.