Global Equality Now! A Game Show For Awareness

In Action Alert, Youth by Giovanna Guarnieri

Global Equality Now! A Game Show For Awareness

March 28, 2013 | | Action Alert |



by Giovanna Guarnieri

Gender equality had always been something that stirred interest in me.  In middle school I joined School Girls Unite (SGU), a student-run group that advocates for Gender Equality and helps to send girls in Mali, West Africa to school. My school’s chapter of SGU consisted of about twenty girls and one boy; we met weekly and worked towards raising awareness about gender-based education inequality. During our meetings, we brainstormed ideas on how to raise awareness about some very serious issues in a fun way that would appeal to kids and adults of all ages. We came up with the idea to have a question and answer style game, which we eventually named “Global Equality Now!”

Our SGU members worked in groups of 2 and 3 to research and write questions and answers, which were made into a slide show presentation. At lunch, we presented “Global Equality Now!” to students in grades 6-8. As students answered questions, filled with excitement and anticipation, while learning and being educated on gender equality, it created a sense of accomplishment and joy within me, and the other members of School Girls Unite. The uproar was amazing, and the response that we got from the students at our school made us realize that this game really could make a difference.  As a group we decided we needed to make a more sophisticated version of the game and share it with other schools.

As a result, the game “Global Equality Now!” is made of videos of members of our School Girls Unite chapter reading questions, followed by a pause for the listener to think and answer the question. Each question ends with the answer revealed as well as additional information about the issue to educate the player. With this game we believe we can truly spread the seeds of advocacy, planted in the minds and hearts of many more people. The first step to making a difference is spreading the word about the issues impacting girls and women around the world thereby inspiring other people to get involved. We believe “Global Equality Now!” will allow us to do just that.

As a freshman in high school, I am the co-founder of my school’s chapter of School Girls Unite. As a co-president, I continue to feel the importance on educating about gender equality, and making a difference in this world. “Global Equality Now!”  is making more of a difference than just educating students at my former middle school, we are using it in high school as well, and it is available on the SGU WEB SITE. It would be a thrill to know that people around the world are using “Global Equality Now!” as a tool for education and inspiration!