GCE-US Applauds Passage of READ Act Reauthorization

In News by GCEEditor and Giulia McPherson

GCE-US Applauds Passage of READ Act Reauthorization 

December 18, 2024 | Press Release


December 18, 2024
Contact: Giulia McPherson 

GCE-US Applauds Passage of READ Act Reauthorization 

Washington, D.C. - The Global Campaign for Education – US (GCE-US), a broad-based coalition of over 50 members dedicated to ensuring universal quality education for all children and youth, applauds the inclusion of the READ Act Reauthorization Act in the National Defense Authorization Act, passed by the House of Representatives on December 11 and the Senate today. 

“Originally signed into law in 2017, the READ Act has played a pivotal role in ensuring that access to basic education is a priority in U.S. foreign assistance efforts,” said Giulia McPherson, Executive Director of GCE-US. “Reauthorization of this legislation is critical in continuing current U.S. efforts to ensure equal access to quality education for children throughout the world.” 

Introduced by Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Grace Meng (D-NY), and Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development (READ) Act Reauthorization Act of 2023 will reauthorize the READ Act of 2017 for an additional five years. The legislation calls for a whole of government strategy to improve foundational literacy and numeracy in basic education and requires a yearly report to Congress and the public. 

“We thank congressional champions, staff, GCE-US members, and advocates for their relentless advocacy in support of this important legislation,” said Giulia McPherson. “With 251 million children out-of-school around the world and three out of four children in developing countries unable to read by the age of 10, the READ Act Reauthorization will ensure that we continue to make strides towards improving access to education.” 

For more about GCE-US’s efforts in support of READ Act Reauthorization, please visit www.gce-us.org. 
