Planet Aid Feeding Schoolchildren And Training A New Generation Of Quality Teachers For Rural Africa

In News, Power of Teachers by Anny Lin

Planet Aid Feeding Schoolchildren And Training A New Generation Of Quality Teachers For Rural Africa

April 24, 2013 | | News | GCE-US


The excitement in Mozambique is palpable as the PLANET AID SCHOOL-FEEDING PROJECT gets underway.  This three-year project will help feed 60,000 school children, helping provide a vital nutritional boost for children at a critical stage of development. 

The education component of the program will focus on training more than 4,000 primary school teachers at colleges operated by Planet Aid’s partner ADPP Mozambique. Upon graduation, the teachers will reach 264,000 primary school students each year.

Planet Aid also supports teacher training in ANGOLAMOZAMBIQUE,  MALAWI and the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO.  In the DRC, Planet Aid was instrumental in helping establish a new teacher training college in the area of Maluku to train quality primary school teachers.  This college will be part of a new network of 54-teacher training colleges established throughout the nation.

“This initiative represents a great step toward enhancing primary education in our country. Please join me in supporting this vital element of our new future.
—His Excellency, Prime Minister Matata Ponyo Mapon

Planet Aid’s sister organization Humana People to People Congo signed an MOU with the Ministry of Education to establish the network, and is seeking partners interested in strengthening education in the DRC to join the initiative.

Read more about Planet Aid’s support of TEACHER TRAINING ON THEIR WEBSITE.
