All are invited to watch the recording of the “Ready, Set, READ!” Hill event that took place on September 13, 2023, in the Russell Senate Office Building. The event celebrates the power of literacy and education in transforming lives and highlights the significance of U.S. foreign assistance to education, particularly for vulnerable children who face higher barriers to education, including girls, children with disabilities and those affected by crises and conflict. With distinguished speakers from Congress, USAID, partners, and youth advocates, our shared goal is to promote the reauthorization of the READ Act, ensuring that the momentum for quality, inclusive education for all and literacy remains unwavering.
This event:
- Highlighted the importance of international basic education, particularly foundational learning, literacy, and numeracy, in transforming lives and communities.
- Raised awareness about the challenges faced by vulnerable children, such as girls, children with disabilities, and those affected by crises and conflict, in accessing quality education.
- Built momentum around the READ Act Reauthorization Act 2023 that protects the U.S. Government's international basic education strategy and ensures congressional oversight, transparency, and other accountability measures.
- Brought together speakers and partners from various sectors, including Congress and USAID, to strengthen partnerships and collaborations for advancing inclusive education initiatives.
Speakers included:
- LeAnna Marr, Deputy Assistant Administrator and Acting Senior Coordinator of United States International Basic Education Assistance, USAID Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation’s Center for Education
- Dr. Joanne Carter, Executive Director, RESULTS
- Carol Jenkins, President and CEO, World Learning
- Former Chairwoman Nita Lowey
- Former Chairman Ed Royce
- Senator Marco Rubio
- Representative Lois Frankel
- Representative Grace Meng
- Ngozi Lawal, Principal, Early Actions
- Dr. Alison Byrant, Chief Research, Data, and Impact Officer at Sesame Workshop
- Laura Denham, Government Relations Advisor at Malala Fund
- Maha Shoaib, a Fulbright Scholar from Pakistan, former teacher & current student who was recognized by the Teacher Task Force at the UN Transforming Education Summit 2022
- Kitty Close, Director of Government Relations, Basic Education Coalition and former Foreign Policy Advisor, U.S. House of Representatives
- Francine Niyomuhoza, a Global Partnership for Education Youth Leader and student originally from Rwanda who has lived for most of her life in a refugee camp in Malawi
Thank you to the global partners and co-sponsors who made this event possible, including:
- Basic Education Coalition
- Building Tomorrow
- ChildFund
- Global Campaign for Education-US
- Humanity & Inclusion-US
- International Rescue Committee
- Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
- Kenya Education Fund
- The Borgen Project
- Together For Girls
- World Learning
- World Vision
- Youth Alliance Working Group of the Children's Policy and Funding Initiative
Learn more:
READ Reauthorization Overview and Original Bill Language | READ Act Reauthorization Op Ed in The Hill | READ Act Reauthorization Fact Sheet