GCE-US Releases Post-2015 Policy Paper, “Total Reach, Total Learning: Education Beyond 2015”

In News by Anny Lin

GCE-US Releases Post-2015 Policy Paper, “Total Reach, Total Learning: Education Beyond 2015”

January 24, 2013 | | News | GCE-US

January 24, 2013

Washington, D.C.—-Today, the Global Campaign for Education-US Chapter released a policy paper titled, “Total Reach, Total Learning: Education Beyond 2015,” a reasoned presentation of what GCE-US and its coalition members believe the future education Millennium Development Goal (MDG) should look like and account for when the current MDGs(http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/) expire in 2015.

“Putting education on the international agenda in the form of an MDG was a powerful motivator and catalyst for governments and non-government organizations (NGOs) that resulted in a significant drop of out of school children of primary age from 108 million to 61 million (nearly a 50 percent decrease),” said GCE-US Executive Director, Dr. Edwin Gragert. “While, as it stands now, we have not achieved universal primary education, GCE-US believes that we must continue to press forward to both enhance learning and increase access beyond primary education as a tool for sustainable development worldwide.”

In the paper, GCE-US, proposes a goal of: “By 2030, all children and youth are receiving a quality pre-primary, primary, and lower secondary education,” and supplies evidence for the need to evaluate quality education through indicators, including but not limited to, textbook to student ratios, trained teacher-to-student ratios and proportion of students demonstrating adequate abilities in all learning domains.

To access a copy of “Total Reach, Total Learning: Education Beyond 2015,” click here.


The Global Campaign for Education, U.S. Chapter (GCE-US) is a broad-based coalition of U.S. organizations including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), teachers’ unions, foundations, faith-based groups, and think tanks dedicated to ensuring universal quality education.