July 14, 2011
Make It Right: Ending the Crisis in Girls’ Education
In 2011, RESULTS and the Global Campaign for Education teamed up to research and write a breakthrough analysis of gender discrimination and the right to education. Make it Right: Ending the Crisis in Girl’s Education outlines how – despite overall increases in global and national aggregate enrolments and gender parity – girls still face large challenges in effectively completing primary education and continuing through the school cycle successfully. By using a rights-based framework to assess the availability of education the report highlights the legal, policy, and budget frameworks which are needed to guarantee the right to education, especially for girls. The rights-based framework of this report is based on acceptability, accessibility, and adaptability for the special needs of gender-based marginalization. The report ends with an analysis of the role of the international financial institutions – the IMF and the World Bank – and a call-to-action for all members of the Education for All-Fast Track Initiative to scale up support for girls education.
Make it Right: Ending the Crisis in Girls’ Education
Download the Full Report
Download the Executive Summary