READ Act Implementation Under Way: New Senior Coordinator Nominated

In News by Anny Lin

READ Act Implementation Under Way: New Senior Coordinator Nominated

News | GCE-US

READ Act Implementation Under Way: New Senior Coordinator Nominated

Washington, D.C. - On March 26, 2018, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to appoint Julie E. Cram to be the Senior Coordinator of United States International Basic Education Assistance.

Ms. Cram is also the Deputy Assistant Administrator in the USAID Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment (E3). Her portfolio includes the Offices of Education and Local Sustainability. In this position, she oversees the development and implementation of USAID’s strategy and policies in the education sector, as well as the implementation of USAID grant programs aimed at promoting locally-owned and led development efforts.

Prior to joining USAID, Ms. Cram was an advocacy and public affairs expert with more than 18 years of experience in issue advocacy, communications, and government affairs from high-level posts in both the federal government and the private sector. From 2007- 2009, Ms. Cram served as Deputy Assistant to President and Director of Public Liaison for President George W. Bush.

The Global Campaign for Education-US welcomes this nomination. We look forward to working with the Senior Coordinator to implement the READ Act and ensure quality education for children and youth.

Appointing a Senior Coordinator of United States International Basic Education Assistance is a critical step in building high-level leadership within the U.S. administration for global education, as called for by the bipartisan READ Act passed in September 2017.

The Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US) is a broad-based coalition of over 80 organizational members dedicated to ensuring universal quality education.

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