Support the Global Student and Youth Democracy Movement
On International Youth Day 2022, the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Youth Constituency called on all humanitarian funds and networks to create youth constituencies. Composed of more than 100 youth-led NGOs, the ECW Youth Constituency is the first democratic youth constituency in the humanitarian sector.
The declaration was endorsed by the All-Africa Students Union (AASU), the European Students’ Union (ESU), the Organising Bureau of European School Student Student Unions (OBESSU), the Commonwealth Students Association (CSA), La Organización Continental Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes (OCLAE) and the Global Student Forum (GSF). Bringing together 203 member unions from 122 countries, the GSF democratically represents over 200 million students.
The Global Campaign for Education - United States (GCE-US) is proud to endorse the Youth Democracy Movement and stand alongside the ECW Youth Constituency and global student movement. GCE-US calls on global, regional, national, and local partners and policymakers to lend their voices to this important call to support youth.